Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Hermie, the ex crab

Gitama found Hermie on Merewether beach.  I have been saving him for Tiny Tuesday and now before you go reporting me to the RSPCA, Hermie is an ex crab.  He has ceased to be.  He is bereft of life, he has gone to meet his maker, he is pushing up daisies, popped his clogs, met his demise, Karked it, shuffled off his mortal coil, decorporealised, joined the heavenly choir, snuffed-it,kicked the bucket,moved into that narrow underground apartment, took the dirt nap, gone to his reward, is sleeping with the fishes,
and has punched his ticket. He is not pining for the waves or is having a little rest.  RIP Hermie.

Thanks to JDO for hosting this month.

Off to a meeting tonight so catch you later.

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