You must like heights

.... to do this job.  They are painting the Millennium Bridge and they will be there until Christmas so you are probably going to see them a few times.

By the time that I post my blip each day it is very late and I can't remember all of the things that happened during the day so today I took some notes.

Notes from the train
There was a woman eating crisps on the train at 7am.  The bag was very noisy but she couldn't hear them as she had her iPhone earphones in
In fact everyone seemed to be using white iPhone earphones
There was a woman putting her makeup on.  I won't leave the house without mine on (I'm very vain).  She spent ages doing it and didn't look any different afterwards.

At Waterloo
There was a woman walking in 6in high heels.  She had to lean forwards, sticking her bottom out, to walk

On the walk to work
I looked through the window of a gym.  There was a woman walking on a running machine.  I do my walking on the road
There was a dachshund going really fast
Why do women carry large rucksacks and even larger handbags

And this evening they switched on the Christmas lights in Winchester.  It seems far to early

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