Skibba Geo

So nice to wake up knowing I had the whole day at home. Talisker totally took advantage of my lay-in and crept up for a cuddle without me noticing. Whilst Gorgeous went out to do a quick job, I took the hounds out and nipped into town.

We both fancied seeing what the waves were at today so we took our afternoon walk at Birsay - The waves were HUGE and the stiff breeze buffeted us along the way. Skibba Geo is an old fisherman hut and nousts (scooped-out trenches at the edge of a beach/bay in which a boat is hauled up). It makes for a pretty picture and was enough shelter for me to hold the camera still in the wind.

The house is full of the smell of slow roast beef brisket and we have wine coming up to room temperature for later.

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