Piet Hein lights a candle.
Yesterday night  and a quiet night it at first was, we were startled terribly, when we watched the news on TV and saw the horror images of the terror attacks in Paris.
In the morning the sky was mourning.
I worked a bit in the garden, trying to figure out how I could make a path at the steep slope. My mind was elsewhere, of course.
After lunch we considered a walk, a short one and I suggested why not climb the hill at the other side of the valley, walk a bit of the Frau Holle-Weg, walk down along the cemetry. And yes, said Piet Hein, then we can go into the catholic church and light a candle. He often does that, but today more than ever a poignant reason was added.
"We weep with you", a sentence Angela Merkel uttered before the camera and this touched me deeply.

My haiku:

Now Utopia
If we ever dreamed of it
Has gone forever

And the proverb:

Hope deferred maketh the heart sick.

1382 Wyclif.  Prov.xiii

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