
By snailspace


We have few pointers to the passing seasons here but the Honesty thrives in what we laughingly term our garden. It grows outside the bedroom window and I enjoy observing each morning as I get dressed, from the first emergence of green shots and leaves in the Spring, through the purple blooms throughout Summer and on into the Autumn seeds. The seed pods start off green then turn into some beautiful reds before becoming purple. As the autumn winds arrive, the seed pods dessicate and turn golden brown, looking gorgeous in the low light of  evening. 

This year a gale came along and turned the honesty straight to silver from gold, as the husks came off to liberate the seeds and show the inner silvery membrane. Storm Abigail then proceeded to rip the silver into shreds and tatters, allowing me little time to enjoy the silver. There is little left to see me through the Winter now.

The recent poor weather allowed me time to hunker down and knit and so I have a new blanket to snuggle into when the really cold weather comes. I also have a ridiculous quantity of leftover yarn to make economic use of... somehow.

 I'm going to produce a combination hood and scarf next, to keep me warm when I venture out. 

It is good to have the needles out again. I am hoping the spinning wheel will be in use this coming week too.

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