
By chantler63

Bare Tree

We had a very windy night and an email in from Waddesdon said that a couple of tress were down - one on the entrance drive and one on the exit. I headed off to see what had happened.  As it turned out, there was nothing particularly exciting and no dramatic pictures to be had.  Both trees were cleared from the tracks and they weren't especially big.

Whilst there, I had a walk around the grounds - something I don't get a chance to do very often.  There really are some magnificent trees to be seen.  I walked down the exit drive which is a gentle slope out of the grounds and paused to take a photograph of this tree - almost a lone tree.

I have been trying out different effects in the Nik software.  It is a shame the sky was not more dramatic with more cloud detail be extracted; the greyness was scudding over quite fast with precious little sun managing to peep through.

Maybe this is a tree to observe through the various seasons.

I have an interesting evening ahead - the Old Farts Dinner (that is what it's called)!  My husband has a very old and decrepit Fordson tractor he rescued from a shed - and this is a group of like-minded souls.  So, if they start talking tractor language I will be bored within nano-seconds! I'll pop my kindle in my bag - just in case.

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