The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

'ighland cows

I'm almost six months late posting this blip from our week on Mull in May.  Most evenings and mornings Gus and I would walk up to the top of a small hill that overlooked our rented house on the Glengorm Estate, and take in the views across the Sound to Ardnamurchan.  There was a small herd of young Highland cows grazing on the hill, and this evening they were gathered at the top beyond the communications mast with the sun descending into clouds beyond.  It made a change to see and photograph them in something approximating their usual habitat, rather than Redhills pasture below Arnside Knott.

Looking at these photographs again reminded me on this dreich day today (15 November) to go and see how our young Highlands are getting on.  I've been avoiding taking Gus through their field through Spring and Summer because of the tick infestation.  Now, even though we haven't had our first frost yet, tick numbers seem to be much reduced.  In any event, we saw the four little highlands, now much more grown up looking, and it gave me the idea to do a series of portraits of them over the winter months so that we can see how they have changed.

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