Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Water water everywhere

Last Thursday we were warned about Hurricane Abigail.  The first wind to be formally named by the MET office.  Starting with 'A'  Abigail (A Big Gale - geddit?) .  This made me laugh.  If we name all the big winds in Scotland we will be at Zebedee by December !

People stayed at home Thursday night .... I braved the elements for a band rehearsal, and there was no hurricane!  However since then we have rain by the bucket load.  Localised flooding...the works !

No 3 had a diving trial today with a number of her school friends.  A wet and windy trip to the Commonwealth Pool for a morning of gymnastics, trampoline exercises and diving all to assess their ability.

A double edged sword though....I would like her to do well, but she already has a full schedule of after school events.  We would struggle to fit in another.  We will see what transpires.

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