Living in light and shadow

Dear Diary,

This weekend I felt like I was living in both light and shadow.  Having my cousins with me was wonderful and we had a grand time.  But the horrific news from Paris made us all realize that the world can be a very dark place at times.  My little Mourning Dove seemed perched on the threshold of these two worlds...light and shadow.

It does no good to deny the shadow side; to pretend that all is lightness and love.  That is not the case but those who fixate only on the negative have a very hard time recognizing the positive elements in the world.  And they are all around us, everyday.  So, that is what I am going to do this week.  I'll recognize the horror and mourn with Paris but I will try to keep focused on all the good, kind and compassionate people in the world.  I will also keep in mind Oscar Wilde's words;

We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking up at the stars.

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