Snake Charmer

Party central in our house this weekend!
Miss L had her second engagement of the weekend at a fabulous wildlife party for one of her friend's sixth birthday.
The man had snakes, lizards, tortoises, scorpions, millipedes, giant cockroaches (yuck!!) and a chinchilla.
The children loved it! Miss L was particularly taken with her lizard. She sat with it on her knee for ages, stroking it and kissing it!! See extras for a few more pictures.
All rubbish because I hadn't taken my camera with me. Who knew it was going to be the most photo worthy party ever?!!!
It was a great party. Nice to chat to some lovely mums and dads, and Mrs C - the host - had gone out of her way to get Miss L gluten free party treats which always means so much to me.
Home to an afternoon of arguing about homework. Again. More sugar fuelled chaos, a yummy roast dinner, a bit of singing and dancing and bed.

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