
By MamaOfBoys

My little helpers

Show day- day off yay!

Was a beautiful sunny day so we spent it outside.

In the morning we all headed to bunnings, Andre picked up some paint and i got a few more gardening bits and pieces.

Andre spent 10 hours painting while i spent most of the day in the garden, the boys played a lot outside but would get bored so would go back inside to watch tv.

Late afternoon they came out to help me in the garden. I was digging up this area to grow carrots, the soil is a bit more sandy and dry than the rest of my garden.

Marley lined up bricks and flattened out the soil for me with his roller while Harper filled the holes int eh bricks with soil, Kanye just sort of played in it but they were happy so i let them be. 

I got dinner ready while they continued to play gave them all a good shower from being in the dirt but they ended up using my hot water and i got a lovely kind of -sort of warm shower but hey it was nice to leave the housework and be in my garden!

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