What Captures My Interest

By Erikalv

Its funny how my life is slowly changing....definitely for the better. The only downfall is running out of time and lack of sleep. I have some catching up to do and sleep is one of them. Today at work I was completely exhausted and my stomach was upset and I felt my body was telling (more like yelling) me to rest and get at least 6-7 hours of sleep.

Tomorrow is Friday! It took so long but its almost here. My boss will be closing the office a little early so we the girls including Tessa can go to the theater and watch Magic Mike (about male strippers). This should be fun and I'm hoping I'll be able to take a picture of us acting stupid but we'll see.

I didn't have anything for blip today except for this picture that I took on my way home. I don't even know how to title this especially since it has nothing to do with my write up.....well except for one thing. It was taken because I ran out of time.

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