
2years 252days

Katie was quite a funny pickle this morning. At first, she decided she absolutely wanted to wear her dirty play clothes from yesterday, with a random skirt that didnt match anything. She then had a complete uturn (thankfully) and decided she wanted a party dress.

She was playing on the landing with all her dolls when she turned and just sat beautifully, chattering away to me. I was very grateful the camera was in reaching distance. She's been playing teachers a lot since yesterday, and the vocabulary, phrases and tone made me chuckle. She had clearly taken in lots of her day, and I was finding out about it through her role play.

She had a brilliant time and did so very well. When I picked her up, they were in the garden and she was stood holding hands over the flower bed with her friend, chattering away, with one of the big girls playing too. She looked so tiny next to the nearly 5year olds. The staff said she did fantastically and got on with it as though she had always been there.

Today we're pottering at home before gymnastics. We're going to have a quick coffee with a friend in town before we come home for a play date with her LittleFriend, and if the sun holds, no doubt the swimming pond will feature too.

In other news, I found out this morning that I passed this year at university

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