800 and a big first

2years 251days

Not a balloon day, but still noteworthy, I reckon. 800 blips, no gaps. Who'd have thought it!? I am, by nature a little obsessive though so I'm not that surprised really! Only 4 short of 1000 total entries, including the backblips.

Big first today for Katie, her first day at her new preschool. Which will hopefully be the preschool that sees her through to school, and may be her wrapround care then too, should I need it.

She was insistant that she wanted to wear her dress today, but wanted to wear her preschool jumper, as large as it is. She was so excited about seeing her much-missed friend who goes there too. She skipped most of the walk to preschool (which in itself was lovely, walking not a long bike ride), swinging Monkey, pausing at these bushes to gather the flower petals and scatter them.

She clung briefly to me as we arrived, but went to the breakfast table, sat down with the other children, kissed me and got on. I got a message from her friends mum to say that katie had run the length of the room to greet her little friend when she arrived - they havent seen each other since the old nursery closed and have missed each other a lot.

Grannygrandad are coming for tea and are hopefully going to come with me to pick Katie up, so she will be very excited about that. I suspect she may then insist on going in the swimming pond

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