Bath bendy baby

3years 250days

I woke up this morning to a little voice saying "You're my best friend, I love you", followed by a big kiss and a 'tummy cuddle'. She climbs on my front and lies flat down as she did when she was a baby. Just a bit more of her now.

When I picked her up tonight, she had her headband round her forehead like something out of Fame. She bounded up into the sling for a snuggle, rather excited to head home. We have a gate into our forecourt and she saw grandad's van as we approached. We barely got through the gate before she was wriggling to come down and called him very loudly. They'd had another dirt exploring day at nursery, judging by the colour of her, so she had a big splashy bath before saying goodbye to them. As I was about to get her out the bath she decided this was what she was going to do.

Katie's three things
*Ella found my sophie (la girafe, had been missing since monday) She was in the sandbox
*If I take my toys again, I'll put them safe so they dont get lost.
*I wont wear my pretties to school because they might get taken off me.
*Look I wrote princess (it was a collection of recognisable letters, they didnt form the word princess, bless her!)

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