When I grow up

3years 249days

When I picked Katie up from nursery, she was running round the room (not something they're actually meant to!) with Brooke, both of them wearing tambourines. Brooke had made a pair of homemade sugar paper wings Sellotaped to her back. Katie proudly announced so. She was rather filthy. I asked her how she had got her dress so dirty. She told me Brooke was digging on her!

We got a train to the city, arriving a little early so made a quick stop in a couple of shops before the exciting bit of her day- her first Thursday big girls ballet class. She was a little thrown as it was in the studio she used to dance to so she felt for a while like she'd been demoted I think. It also threw her a little that for the start of the class it was a mixed group- with her group being the youngest. Her teacher came and saw me in the hall mid-lesson and told me how well she was doing. She came out the class buzzing and grinning. She also proudly told me that monkey had sat and watched the ballet class from the barre. A happy happy Katie

(I have a blip for yesterday but I can't currently take it from my camera as I have had computer issues, now resolved).

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