A time for everything

By turnx3

Through the window

Today was a miserable grey cold wet November day, so we thought it would be an ideal day to go up to Dayton to see the special exhibition I have been wanting to see at the Art Institute - Children in American Art. We had lunch first in their cafe - we remembered the last time we went, we saw the exhibition first then thought we'd go for lunch, only to find they had closed about ten minutes before! The exhibition was very good, arranged chronologically, and demonstrating through the art, he different ways children have been regarded through the centuries. There were a couple of paintings by Mary Cassat, and also a video about her life and paintings. She lived most of her adult life in France. She was the only American and one of only three women who painted with the French Impressionist movement. She never married and never had children, but painted the most remarkable paintings of the mother/child relationship. I took this shot through one of the doors leading to the courtyard - I liked the pattern in the glass, and in any case it was cold and wet outside! Got to go now - we're just off out to the Symphony to the concert I talked about in my Thursday blip. Hope you're having a good weekend!

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