Hen Draddodiadau

Yn Bafaria, maen nhw'n cadw hen draddodiadau fel y 'Maibaum'.  Bob dwy flwyddyn maen nhw'n rhoi polion hir yng nghanol y trefi a phentrefi. Maen nhw'n cael eu paentio glas a gwyn - lliwiau Bafaria - ac maen nhw'n cael eu haddurno gyda symbolau'r gwaith yn y lle.  Gwelon ni'r polyn yma yn Glonn.

In Bavaria, they keep old traditions like the 'Maibaum'. Every two years they put long poles up in the middle of towns and villages. They are painted blue and white - the colors of Bavaria - and they are decorated with symbols of the work in the place. We saw this pole in Glonn.

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