
This is Rippon Vineyard catching the last of the day’s light. The Boss was steadying his camera against a small tree as a couple approached along the track and when he finished and turned they asked what sort of a bird he had been photographing. He showed them the view screen and there was a sorta “oh” moment.
The Boss remembers when they were in Canada at Banff and all you had to do was stop the car and step outside with a tripod and an instant meeting would form with cars stopping and folk getting out looking puzzled and eventually causally wandering  over to inquire where the animal was.
No one was ever pleased that he was photographing a mountain or some such. If I had been there they could have photographed ME…for a FEE?
But then again good cheese might be hard to find in the Rockies.

Todays story comes from this morning when The Boss was helping a friend (who loves music)  install an Apple TV 4.
 The nice lady had an iPhone 4 which does not deal with Apple Music and her husband suggested an upgrade would fix that but she replied that the phone she had was quite adequate for her current needs. The Boss said that desires were more fun than needs at her age and when she looked interested he added that the clock was ticking.
Her Husband capped it when he added… 

“And the alarm has already gone off a couple of times”

She had however a later model iPad so her musical desires were completely aroused and Frank Sinatra was wafting around the room when The Boss left.

The Boss thinks that Apple Music and Apple TV 4 is a wondrous combination for older musical folk. But then again he would…wouldn’t he?


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