
By LuvU2

Jackfruit Tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.)

We are fortunate enough to have 15 kinds of fruit in our garden.

The Jackfruit originates from India and was planted here by an Indian, the previous owner of this house. It adapted very well because of the humid, near-tropical climate. It is a huge, proud and beautiful tree and bears huge fruit! It is the largest tree-borne fruit in the world! You can compare it to the green wall behind the tree, which is 2,4m tall!

We picked Jackfruit here that measured over 60cm, more than 35cm in diameter and weighed roundabout 22kg.

The fruit is green and turns yellow/brown when ripe. Inside are large yellow bulbs that taste of banana and enclose a smooth, oval, light-brown seed. When fully ripe, the jackfruit has a strong unpleasant smell, but the pulp of the opened fruit smells and tastes of pineapple, the fruits have small, soft, mushy, and very sweet carpels with a texture like raw oysters.

All parts contain a sticky, white latex-like milk that sticks to your hands and utensils and does not wash off easily, but our dear, clever old gardener taught us to rub hands and utensils with cooking oil before handling the fruit....magic!!!

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