Playamar Beach, Torremolinos

Another visit to check out a rental place for us. This was the realtor that I found very hard to understand. Well, turned out he's French, and spoke very good Spanish. There you go with the accent. The place it self was okay but not for us. Too big. And awful furniture from the bar (the owner of the flat also owns a bar). There was 2 big terraces. The other one was huge, but the only furniture was plastic bar type seats and a table. It could have been so nice and it was like a frat house. And they told us that we could have more of those plastic furniture if needed. I didn't hear that. My husband told me that later. Which was good, because I would have lost my poker face. Our joke this week has been that it's been a good day if the realtors have been legit and we have not been robbed.

This picture is the from the beach that was near the house we visited today. They told us it was the best beach in the area. Could be. Who am I to say it's not. Seemed very nice indeed. One more in the extras.

The apartment search is exhausting. We'll check one more on Monday morning and then we decide. We're ready to settle down.

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