
By DawnAgain

Natural health

Basil and I had our various medical appointments today.  I was referred for physio for my neck, right shoulder and lower back and it appears that my carpal tunnel syndrome has recurred so I may have an injection for that in due course. I went to work for a couple of hours and, nice as it was to see everyone, I was regretting it by lunchtime as my symptoms had kicked in with a vengeance despite my boss's best efforts to improve my workstation. Kyla and I sitting there with matching wrist supports (she has tendonitis) probably weren't the best advertisement for working in our office.

Meanwhile Basil saw a different vet for his review today. I didn't catch her name but she was very nice and very pro-natural remedies. And so in addition to changing to grain-free food (and continuing his daily steroids for another two weeks), Basil is now going to be taking a daily dose of coconut oil and also apple cider vinegar with 'mother'. Although I already had a supply of the former, the latter was new - and news - to me. Anyway, we'll see how it goes.

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