Whoops.....a Daisy

I struggle with english sometimes. Well I would…wouldn’t I? And when The Boss spotted this and uttered “that” I had to get my curl top (I don’t have a lap) and check it out.
It appears that bark in the 1800’s in a town called Mumbly on Thames, there lived a bloke called Allen Tallstry (coincidently The Boss’s middle name) and his two sisters.
The elder one, Agnes, had a bit of an addiction to broccoli and as it had been on special at the market that week, had stocked heavily, much to Allen’s concern as he hated the stuff. That night Agnes was chopping up another ton of it when Allen entered the kitchen to remonstrate about the proposed dinner of broccoli and swedes. A heated argument ensued which came to a head when Agnes raised her knife, dripping with broccoli blood and moved towards him, causing him to flee towards the exit door and collide heavily with his entering sister….Daisy.

I was not able to discover the long term outcome of all this but I feel there must be a moral in there somewhere. asyoudo.


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