Light Work

A huge WOOF to all those folk that supported my Blip yesterday.
It is moments like this that make me proud to be a Blipper.
Right Right Right!

Light work is The Boss’s favourite and we had only just got into the park when he spotted this and I was seriously concerned that having got his Blip I might not get my Blat.
But all was well and inspite of mowing lawns and general garden maintenance, which can involve chair testing which also involves cold drinks and bikkies (non dog) a good time was had in spite of the Spanish bloke El Nino doing his best to blow us off the track. It was probably better than Syd who was sweltering over the Tasi. (translation…Across the Tasman sea Sydney was very hot at 37 C)   
Not sure what tonight may bring as The Boss is under instruction from The Bossess to cease and desist streaming movies for a few days as an email arrived from the nice? broadband bloke who said the bucket was in danger of being kicked and the website to monitor such things was refusing to log anyone in. I suspect The Bossess had something to do with this too as she happens to be well connected. (Todays conspiracy theory)
So here I am on the floor with my frog (Goilgly) and there The Boss is in his chair reading a book on his iPhone. (The Girl with all the Gifts…M R Carey) If you like a really good SF yarn this is it.  (He says)
I wonder what is happening on Netf…….


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