
Actually this is not something I suffer greatly from. The Grub I have is probably formulated without Baked Beans and on the odd moments that something happens I am usually as surprised as everyone.
Right glad to get THAT out of the way.
Grrreat News…The Boss’s toe is GO!!! And he is back in the walk saddle, so to bark, so complete with new camera bag and same old dog we set sail (good word for windy days) to get this image. The new bag is really different as the camera and lens are in a top compartment so you can pop the bag on the ground and retrieve gear without kneeling in the mud…if there was mud…and often there is….
This is made possible by the bag being designed for Mirrorless 4/3rd lightweight cameras and lens and the bag has room for jackets, emergency dog grub and bottles of Coke Z in the bottom. One of The Boss’s friends had a new “full Frame” SLR today and The Boss actually had trouble holding it to his eye. It weighed a ton. His friend was however delighted but disappointed with the live view capability which seemed well below The Boss’s Olympus. Of course in normal thru the lens mode it went like lightning.
On the walk we were approached by a tourist with a camera. In bent (but not broken) English he explained that it wouldn’t go and as he held it up to show us it leapt into life. The Boss said that there would be no charge and everyone had a laugh as we walked on.


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