Puleeze Take Me Out...

Wait…The “Me Out” is not a CAT…OK? It’s a statement that into town for the chores and toe carving, even in Business Class, is simply not good enough.
Ok Ok The Boss has a sore toe ‘Cos some bloke had a go at it with a very sharp knife while I waited in Suzz AND YES he now has a hole where the corn used to be. It’s funny but I don’t like corn. If dumped in my grub dish I will sort around it but I don’t think this one is the same ‘Cos why would he have his foot in it?
Anyway he has a sore toe and won’t walk so I am forced to remind him of his responsibilities with looong looks and sighs and circuits and bumps around the barkyard and merrygorounds on the Dining Room floor but then The Bossess came home and felt sorry for me so we went anyway.
Bit of a funny day weather wise and all the new white stuff on the tops tends to lower the temperature a bit. I might not have noticed this pre haircut but like a good photographer’s dog my exposure has increased.

Yep larger C's...........

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