
These flowers are fast becoming the new agapanthus. Over here, they call it the roundabout plant. Aggies are being replaced with these weed like yellow flowers. I quite like them.

I picked a couple to play with after my supermarket shop this afternoon.

Cousteau 'attacked' Maggie this morning. I mean, full on, mouth around the neck attacking. We are convinced that she must have disturbed him from a deep slumber and he reacted. I can't believe that Cousteau actually wanted to hurt her. Anyway, he ended up with a mouthful of fluff and she was a little shaken (physically and emotionally, poor thing).

We took her to the vet for her leg and he has confirmed that she has damaged her cruciate ligament. She only turned around quickly at the dog park last night. She's just so delicate. The vet suggested that she and Cousteau aren't a good combination since she isn't at all fit and is so fragile. We're keeping them separate and she is on forced rest and quietness. She's also on some good drugs for the pain and inflammation. We are hoping it'll fix itself, but if it doesn't, the poor little thing will need an operation.

Little Miss and I are watching a spot of David Attenborough and Mr B is at a Cold Chisel concert, revisiting his bogan youth!

Night all.


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