
Not so much of a lie-in today, partly because of a much quieter night and it was a very lovely morning for a walk. We definitely saw more folk than we normally do at that time on a Sunday morning. Home to breakfast and a bit of work but not a massive amount as purple Mondays are generally calmer than the green variety. Bailey lay in front of the fan heater warming his belly whilst I worked and then whined when it looked like I was going out and so had to come with me to the supermarket. I was going to risk leaving him to roam rather than putting him in his crate but he wasn't for letting me go without him. 

Adding fairy lights to the olive tree made me realise just how much of a mess the lawn was so I decided to cut if for the very last time. And then made the air turn blue when it looked like I wasn't going to be able to get the mower back into the shed. The swearing eventually worked and the bit that needed to unscrew eventually did. A walk around the biggest block was a bit damp on the way back so the lawn cutting was perfectly timed, it turns out.  I also made a start on doing a wardrobe swap and sorting out a charity bag whilst Bailey snoozed on the spare bed. And I have managed to buy or order two more Christmas presents and a mountain of chocolate oranges for my team. A productive day all told, including sewing up a hole in the back of a penguin and reattaching the arm on a teddy both of which were then returned to their owner. I think he was pleased to have them back. 

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