An end of day emergency blip - Mom gave Asha these glo sticks, so we played around with them & the camera. Asha enjoyed it! 
She went back to school today, wasn't sure if I should have sent her as she had a rough night (up 4x!!), but thought it might be a good distraction - which it was. So far not too much coughing today....

Community time this morning...good to study Ephesians 2 together...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha bouncing out of school looking tired but happy - it helped that they went to the gym today - her favourite thing at school. 
2) Other people's perspectives & insights - interesting studying the Bible together, hearing what people think, & see in a passage.
3) A good Skype with 24-7 Prayer...encouraging to touch base with 'home'.

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