What's bugging you?!

A busy day - woke up to the IMMENSE news that Bulliblips had had her baby! Then we went to the inauguration service of the new vicar at the english-speaking church (took this pic on our walk back to the car afterwards)...Asha was a STAR despite it being a long and formal service. Then all went to a lovely place for a lunch together. Met a lovely Brazilian couple who live a 15 minute walk away, so hopefully meeting up with the wife soon to chat in English/Spanish/Portuguese... Then home and on to a kids event at a café 2 minutes from our flat. Back home by quarter to nine... A tiring but good day.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Chatting to some lovely people over lunch, including a full-time clown (!) and 2 ladies who've lived here eons, but grew up in Gravelly Hill (where my Dad grew up!).
2) Zoe who's started organising these kids play evenings on Sunday nights - she did an incredible job at getting Asha to come out of her shell.
3) Our friend Gill who I'm due to Skype soon re our support group. What a legend she is.

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