
By wsjohnson

John David Rockefeller, dude: what a Dude!

Okay then, you folk are just waaay tooo kind!!!!

Thank you very much for your words, sentiments and thoughts over the past few glorious - "no brag just fact" - days. I never give thought to what I say and rant about (pretty obvious some would say) just allow the old 'stream of consciousness" thing to exist and to have your positive and agreeable comments to same is nice (troubling as well, but then, eh)

So thank you very much one and all; perhaps "like minds" do indeed think alike (or is it the onset of collective dementia, I don't rightly know)

Moving on . . . 

This is Prometheus, he can be found most days (really dude, it's a statue, it ain't about to go walking the block) in the center of Rockefeller Center hanging about the Ice Rink, lovely in person, a whole lot more attractive than he seems pictured here (the photographer has his limits you know)

It's said he is the "most photographed subject in New York City" I guess I can see why, but then, unless you traipse over to see 30 Rock (or are misguided by one of those 'paid' guides) you could in fact miss him altogether.

The reason I ventured over to again check him out; 'simples' She was/is still "giving" money to the gilded palaces on the Avenue (some call it shopping, I call it a shame) 

Oh yeah, back to Prometheus, the statue has an interesting history, both itself and the subject - Prometheus, Bringer of Fire - and since I didn't know the following, perhaps you didn't as well, so here 'tis

Sorry - in case you, you know, don't really care!

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