Journey Through Time

By Sue

Chestnut-backed Chickadee

Cold, dry, clear air today.  I went out in the back yard and snapped a few photos and after some processing, I liked how this one came out.  

We had a nice time on Thanksgiving over at my brother-in-law's place.  I took a small camera, and the few photos I tried wasn't that I just gave up on taking a photo. My SIL's son and his wife have two girls, a 3 year old and a 1 year old, and the 3 year old girl has been awfully shy when we have seen her previous.  We don't see them very often, so the difference in her maturity was very apparent yesterday and she was chatting away in her cute little 3 year old voice.  After awhile she included me and my aunt in some of her play, and when they were leaving she gave everyone a hug and a kiss and I told her mom, "Well THAT took 3 years!"  That made my day.  The one year old, her little sister, is a vivacious little thing and even though she wasn't about to let me hold her, she made eye contact, flirted and smiled.  She won't be as shy as her big sister was.  I should have taken the big camera.  Oh well.

Hope you all had a nice holiday.  My crazy husband got up at 4:30 for Black Friday special, got dressed and went to our local Fred Meyer story (the all purpose everything store around here) and snagged a new TV for $99.00.  It's just the most basic cheap-o non brand name TV, but it will be okay.  He wanted it for the garage, but when I told our son, he was horrified!  It's a 'smart tv', and he said it was too good for a garage TV.  So...we put the new one in our bedroom and moved the bedroom TV to the garage.  Bill sometimes watches football in the bedroom while I watch something else.  So, I guess this set up will work.  And now, he has a better TV in the garage so he can fiddle with the model trains AND have football on.  Or basketball.  That one is way better than the really old style TV that we had there.  Now we have to figure out what to do with THAT.  

Okay...enough of my rambling.  Sorry.   See ya later

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