Grumpy Old Git

By GrumpyOldGit

End of a day's work.

Today's activity produced a rather uninteresting blip, but life is like that. Today I overslept, but was feeling quite well and as the weather was reasonable, I decided to get on with a job that was well overdue, tidying up the Northern end of the front garden. This involved trimming the hedge, generally tidying the garden and where the garden lawn had grown out into the road, removing the soil from the road and returning it to the garden. The road is now more than a foot wider and my grass no longer covers the double yellow lines; council maintenance of this road is minimal. This took all day and the results are shown in today's picture, I now only need to repair my wall, to have sorted out this part of the garden for this year. As usual, when he is not catching mice, Dougal likes to be with me, hence his appearance in the picture; I had walked back to take the picture and he was following me.

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