Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Roller Girls

Sore ribs this morning.  Mr S thought it was very funny to watch me hobbling around.  It hurts to laugh, cough, breathe, walk....just hope I can play my tenor horn on Thursday !

Trip to the hair dressers this more grey by lunchtime ! Amazing how good you feel after a hair job!

Hideous weather, I spent most of today on the couch catching up with  old episodes of Downton Abbey.  

By evening Mr S was home alone.  No 1 was Christmas shopping in Glasgow, No 2 was visiting a friend (boy...but not a boy friend she insists!), and No 3 met up with old nursery friends at a local hall which hosts a monthly roller disco.  She loved it !  She wasn't too confident at first, wearing her older sisters (2 sizes too big) 'Heeleys' - but according to Mr S - she was skating like a pro by the end of the night.

Oh - how I remember No 1 and No 2 saving up and buying their Heeleys.  We had to go to a specialist skateboarding shop near the castle on a Sunday morning - there was a Queue of wee girls waiting to buy them.  Everyone had them.  Our life revolved around finding smooth surfaces to practise on.

Glad to see No 3 is getting her money's worth from her big sisters' cast offs!

Oh - and a curry in Currie for me this evening,  Happy days.

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