Men at work

I had a terrible journey back from London, yesterday afternoon, which resulted in the Minx picking me up from Wigan so that I could make it home in time to collect Dan and Abi in the evening. 

Due to the ensuing complication around cars and their locations , my colleague, Steve, kindly offered to come and pick me up from Kirkby Lonsdale, this morning, and take me to Oxenholme to pick up my car. 

While I was waiting for him in the market square I watched these two fellows at work. One of them was using a circular saw to cut through the tarmac while his colleague poured water onto the blade. I guess this was to keep it cool but I don't know.

It was quite impressive to watch, to see them cutting through the ground that we think of as being so solid. It also struck me how different our jobs are: theirs is so physical, directly shaping the world around us, whereas mine is so intangible and... virtual. 

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