twinned with trumpton


Horrible, grey day; it reminded me of the cat in the hat; kids stuck in the house whilst the rain fell.
However, we did not have a cat in the hat; the simple joy of wall mounting a TV was enough to galvanise the boys into action. So we drilled and marked and measured and bolted and hammered and's still up. For now.
Then after lunch we went out into a brightening day; Argos catalogue so they can circle things they want; shopping for her and me - despite her protestations that she wouldn't be late, she was. And she dinged her Maw in Falkirk, too. To be fair the lure of overtime and Davis Cup vs trailing around in the rain, Christmas shopping? Easy choice.

So we finally wove our way their via Blackhall, Leith and Meadowbank before comin' home in the returning gloom and rain and crashed on the sofa with roast dinner and easy TV.

I've just submitted proposals to Hidden Door; we'll see what happens..... A month to wait before knowing if we get none, one or two.

Stopped at the lights at Goldenacre; blazing lights as we waited to move in slow traffic.

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