twinned with trumpton


Scaramouche scaramouche, will you do the fandango? etc etc

2 hours of getting dressed, packed, out; and then to the office. Headphones deployed; head down... it took about an hour to do any work - by the time I'd had the photocopier chat, logged mileages for the month, taken a couple of calls, sorted out a password reset. By which time it was practically lunchtime and hardly worth starting...

Dropped a proposal off at Spectrum; then to the Fruitmarket to forget about work (even though I hadn't done any...) Really enjoyed it; I'll be popping back into this one a bit I suspect,

Then a productive afternoon (although not as productive as tomorrow is likely to be!!)

Left at 6, to her's to hear about the Star Flyer - Grace 'persuaded Nic to go on it; photos were produced, tales were told.

Carb free food commenced; which worked well and bar mini tantrum a very pleasant evening.

Onto Tuesday!

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