
Did you know it's impossible to keep your eyes open when you're laughing?

I had a terrible experience last night!  You wouldn't believe it.

THEY were watching something on YouTube (whatever that is) and it was about Pomeranians, and they did all start to bark, and I did think we were being attacked by a mob of angry Poms.  Don't laugh, I really did.

And I made HER let me out the front so I could check the front garden, and then I made HER let me out the back so I could check the back garden.  And I didn't see a single dog.  No, I didn't.

I was so worried, I was spinning round in circles - and everyone knows a dog only does that when she's stressed.  Well, I do anyway.

THEY have promised never to watch a dog program like that again.  I should think not.

Gave me nightmares it did.

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