No hat today.

Stella wasn't my intended blip today. 

My intended blip today was my mum's pink roses in her garden.

Today I think we found out why my rose-tinted glasses are just for reading and working - clearly can't focus outside in them! 

My 'emergency blip' is now the extra - some of the fruit and veg I bought today - much as I'd love to put these apples and blackberries in a pie or a cake I won't be. Instead the healthy angel on my shoulder will remind me better to have them alone with maybe just a little low fat soya cream or something. I also found out over the weekend that apples are way more filling raw than cooked. This suits Stella as she does love to share and she can have a little of both of these.

Speaking of whom, she wandered through to the kitchen and sat down so beautifully I had to photograph her too (I had iphone snapped her earlier; I take her photo in some form every single day since...well you know...) I wasn't going to get her to pose as we had a falling down the stairs incident again today at work. She couldn't possibly stay in her bed downstairs with mum though - the evil woman had washed said bed and it smelt of clean again!

Love her x

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