'tis the season...

...to explore all things christmas

putting up the tree - digging out ornaments - doing cards (if you do such things) - singing christmas carols to the radio - jingling jingle bells - making cookies (oh yum!) - ice skating - wearing really ugly sweaters - wrapping presents - making fudge - drinking hot chocolate - and oh so much more which brings us - together in a very good way - hopefully wiping out some of the bad things - which we have all seen happen in our world - this year

i would propose we attempt - not to get so wrapped up in the materialistic side - of things this year, instead being focused - on family, friends and community - turning our minds toward what we might do for others - to make a bright spot because when - we focus outwards we often find it brings - us a sense of peace and fulfillment - which cannot come any other way - we need to be mindful of one another now - more than we ever have before - i believe this is part of the message - of christmas and also leads us to...


happy day.....

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