Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

A quick break

Mr Mouse is still at his parents and I'm back and forth. His Dad is at least getting a bit of a rest by being supported but it's not easy. MIL seems to have developed a chest infection and seems so much worse than yesterday. I haven't been much help as the last time I helped when I got down on the floor to adjust something I then needed someone to help me off the floor so that we could then help MIL - it's like a comedy, if we didn't laugh we'd cry (though lots of secret tears have been shed then we wipe our eyes and put the smile on our face).

Had to take Mr Mouse to the hospital today for his scan, we made it just on time but I was very much on my limit to drive, so before heading back we took a quick time out.

Mr Mouse asked his sister for help on Saturday (who by the way did not ensure her father got home safe from the hospital and just popped him on a bus by himself suffering from stress and exhaustion) and got literally told to f@&k off - apparently she can't afford to have any time off work and she is depressed and needs to look after herself, it doesn't matter that her brother asked just for at the very least a few hours because he hadn't slept, yeah sure he has insomnia but normally he would manage a few hours, and was dead on his feet. That he suffers from clinal depression, chronic migraines and pain from a degenerating neck. It doesn't matter that we have sick animals that we also have to provide care for and the bunnies who have been so good at being shut up in their hutches, but it's not fair to them. It doesn't matter that I have multiple chronic health issues and my back had gone into spasm and my knee had gone wonky and that I'm exhausted and struggle to remember what I have to do each day but I need to at get just enough rest so I'm safe to drive back and forth each day. It doesn't matter that actually maybe I just want a bit of a selfish 'but it's my birthday' moment. We weren't asking for the world, we were asking for a bit of time and support.

As far as I can make out she hasn't even called to check up on her parents, I suppose it's possible she has sent a message to her Dad but I don't think he would ever let on to her how much he has been struggling. He hasn't said it out loud but you can see it in his eyes.

Onto poorly Dru she is scoffing special food and seems to have stopped peeing here there and everywhere and I haven't noticed anymore bloody pee, but it's not so easy to keep track of when I'm shutting multiple cats in the house during the day with the litter tray :(

Jeeves has a few more days of drops and then we are to leave his ears alone and fingers crossed that will be over, but we strongly suspect it's going to be a cycle, because of his loppy lugs we don't think we will ever totally clear it, so we wait and see.

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