Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

A special day

Today we celebrated a lovely lady and the 365 day of her run streak by going out as a club all together.

I even managed to run some of the way - the good news my foot seems to be healed, the bad news I'm poorly :'(

But the day as always started with a bunny drama discovered Jeeves choking so I had to chase him round the house and then do the bunny heimlich, well as best as I can manage considering he is a giant bunny but we managed and then took up the rest of the bunny nuggets. Woo seems brighter, still off colour but more interested in stuff and he is being so good about having his eye drop twice a day.

Because I was not feeling my best and also because of the fact pasturella is highly infectious we didn't go to the local rescue centres open day as they have bunnies and I just thought it wasn't right to even take a minimal risk, so that's one birthday week activity down, I hope I can manage at least a few of my other plans.

Oh and tomorrow is echocardiogram day.

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