Postal services

I was going to title this Pony Bicycle Express, but the programme won't let me do the strike through in the title box.

This morning S and I went out for some necessary tasks, one of which took us over to Herne Bay, where she was able to find a park on Jervois Road near to where she was going. I remained in the car with my wee Nikon. I had tried a couple of other photos before the postie came around the corner on his bike, and stopped for a few deliveries. Here is checking where next before setting off again on his bike.

Herne Bay Yoga is where S goes on a weekly basis for an individual session with her yoga teacher, who has over the years become a friend. The studio is up a flight of stairs in what once was the living quarters for a family who would have managed the shop below. The shop below is now a second hand book shop, one of the best in Auckland.

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