Combating malnutrition #LakeClinic #Cambodia

‘What we deal with a lot are the effects of malnutrition, or poor nutrition.  Most people on the Lake eat rice and fish and no fruit or vegetables.’  - Jon Morgan.
The photo above shows Ky Kolyan, a member of the Lake Clinics team, teaching students at Pek Chikrey’s floating school about proper nutrition.
An interesting and positive report from our partners the Lake Clinic in Cambodia this morning describing the recent work they have been undertaking to combat malnutrition;
‘We have to change the health behaviors, and not just their health knowledge. We recognize that a lifetime of habit may take a lifetime to change, and that is why we focus so much on young students, and seek to engage them in physical activities (behavior) that will benefit not only themselves, but their parents and someday their own children.’

Our local partner, the Lake Clinic, otherwise known as TLC, is a primary healthcare service which is taken by boat to floating villages on the vast Tonlé Sap Lake to the north-west of Cambodia.  As well as providing health care and health education sessions the team also work hard to provide safe clean water and combat malnutrition.

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