A tabby, 2 ping pong balls and a bath

The tabby, ping pong and bath combination runs hot and cold - no pun intended. Benedict either won't have a bar of it, or he's in there endlessly spinning and flipping.

Anyway, it was all on late this afternoon but now he's moved on to socks. Yes, the missing sock has reappeared, discarded and apparently unharmed (once my foot is in it the tell tale fang hoes may appear).

Of greater delight was the pair of clean bundled expensive running socks. He'd isolated these from the pile of clean washing left on my bed for me to put away. He was holding them with his front paws, while biting and kicking them. They've been removed and replaced with the furry mouse that makes a pleasing rattling sound when he shakes and chucks it.

I'm closely peering at that fluffy undercarriage in case there is an off button hidden there ;-)

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