kid with a camera.

By calamityjane

tally ho!

up at 5am to catch the train to london, joyous..

spent the day on the train, funnily enough, to arrive in euston by about 4 - sean and i watched 'the woman in black', he jumped at the scary bits more than i did, wousse! ;)

after putting our cases and bags into the hotel, and settling into our rooms, we got ready and glammed up for dinner at pizza hut, and prepared ourselves for the 4 hours of standing at the globe theatre

the pizza was pretty good, and then after a short walk and bus trip, we were finally on the other side of the thames, and standing outside the globe theatre

we saw 'the taming of the shrew' and it was absolutely fantastic :) the only bad thing was the lengthy time we were on our feet for, it was absolutely exhausting, and by the end, i was so tired i was actually swaying!

overall a brilliant start to our stay in london, tomorrow we'll see war horse, and i can't even explain my excitement..

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