
Had to go down to the Gateshead office, in the company of colleague Sarah, who was going to assist with some interviewing. Originally there were three interviews scheduled, but one had to be re-scheduled due to the candidate having a hospital appointment. Then a couple or three days ago another candidate withdrew, citing concern about her maths. But we still had one to look forward to.....then as we walked in the door we were met by someone with a phone message. Last candidate had called in with a shocking migraine and couldn't travel so we would have to re-schedule. So we did some other work and I showed S some of the sights of Tyneside and we returned home.

On our way across the Tyne in the morning the weather was dull but dry. This neat little green boat has been moored up for a while now - its number is BK-29, which I assume means that its home port is Berwick-upon-Tweed.

On our way back across the Tyne a few hours later we didn't raise our eyes at all due to the amount of rain pouring on our heads. It seemed to be identical to the rain pouring on my head when I emerged from the station in Edinburgh, so I arrived home in a very damp condition. Good job DaveH was making his delicious stovies. (Although shocked to note that the blasted palm oil has even got into Orkney oatcakes. Pah.)

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