One Tree in December

Today’s picture is of my one tree in December; this completes the set of twelve.To see all twelve, click on Susanonetree2015. It should really be taken tomorrow, but I went over to the railway station to purchase a ticket for tomorrow and decided that as I will be in Cambridge at an OU event all day on Saturday and shopping with my grandson on Sunday, today would be a good day to post it. The workmen are still there, they seem to have taken many weeks to put in the new lights, but I think they are also painting the station. Not sure what has happened to the community project where volunteers were cleaning the station, planting shrubs, trees and lavender bushes, keeping the gardens tidy as well as providing a café.
I should be working, but it is almost lunch time and I have not yet started, maybe this afternoon.

Today’s picture of the tree is very different to the tree in November. The leaves have turned golden, many have fallen and the sun is shining. My extra picture shows the tree from a different angle and the golden colour is much more pronounced.

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