A day of little things

***We have a winner - the answer to yesterday's abstract was that it was the reflection of Sheffield Train Station in the curved polished steel wall of water opposite - well done Jerra!

After two days of meetings its was back into the office today to get lots of little jobs done - I learnt long ago that I don't like this sort of day - they're only really bearable with lists and ticking off - otherwise I simply wander & suddenly the day is gone - but today I've made it all the way down to #18.
Kinda annoying though as I still don't 'feel' like I've done much - but when I make the next list I know in reality it'll be much smaller. Hopefully it'll have some nice big tasks on it! - or at least climbing....

I'd intended to Blip the long tail tits that have been flitting past all day - but as we only got 3 minutes of brightness all day you're getting treated to a Squirrel Friday shot of Whitey - so was keeping an eye out for Black Tail who's been chasing him most of the day.

& so to Philosophy Friday;
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling,
but in rising when we do"

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