Looking after camels is not easy!

This morning for my walk, Ann took me down to the slipway on the harbour.

She said, ‘Molly, this is where SANTA is arriving in St Ives tonight and you are not going to see him.  He’s going to be arriving on the lifeboat tractor and coming up this slipway to get into his sleigh.  And this afternoon you are going to have early walk because I have been asked by Santa to look after his camels.’

I was really disappointed that I wasn’t going with Ann because I LOVE SANTA!  Santa always brings me loads of really nice pressies.  And also, even though I’ve never, ever, met a camel in the whole of my gorgeous little collie dog life; I thought they might be good things for chasing.

Anyway, off Ann went to look after the camels and I had to stay home alone.

According to Ann, looking after Santa’s camels was very hard work.  She thought she just had to show them where the beach was so that they could have a play before Santa arrived!!

Firstly, the lorry transporting the camels didn’t know which road to use to get into St Ives.  So then Ann had to jump in her car and go and meet them.  But by the time she’d got to the meeting place to guide them into the town they’d already left and found their own way into town.  Except they hadn’t arrived in the correct car park.  Nothing ever runs smoothly does it??

Secondly, when they did actually arrive, they then had to be fed, watered, dressed up in all their Christmas attire, etc, etc,.  And the camel owner was very stressed & Ann was very stressed.  And they should have been down on the beach at about 4.30pm?????  Camels eventually made it down to the beach just before 6pm???

To cut a very, very, very, long story short.............................

....................Camels arrived in St Ives...........................  Escorted Santa on his trek around town.


We sooooo, sooooo, sooooo, love St Ives.

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